Seminars 2023

  • Seminar: 14 Novermber 2023

    Webinar "Open and Reproducible Dataset of Bibliometric Indicators of Russia"

    At the seminar, Ivan Sterligov presented his new scientific project: “Open and Reproducible Dataset of Bibliometric Indicators of Russia”.

    The speech consisted of two parts. The first demonstrates tools for automatic data collection, allowing everyone to legally obtain and update many metrics for Russia and other countries, as well as any other entities in the Scopus database.

    The second part is devoted to the indicators themselves, primarily their dynamics in 2022-23. Changes in the number of publications in Russia in terms of topics and levels of selectivity of publications in comparison with a number of other countries, changes in directions and formats of international co-authorship, changes in publishing houses serving domestic science, dynamics in the totality of Russian publications and individual key international journals are considered. In conclusion, similar indicators are presented for the enrollment of 20+ leading Russian universities and research institutes.

    The seminar is addressed primarily to scientists and scientometricians, as well as to everyone interested in the measurements of science and what is happening with publications in Russia and the world.

    YouTube video

    Slides (PDF, 215 Кб)

  • Seminar: 26 April 2023

    Open Data Scientometrics

    We continue an open professional discussion of important topics with leading Russian scientometricians. Alexey Lutai (RCNI) was invited to speak, moderated by Ivan Sterligov. The webinar will focus on open bibliographic databases and the quality of the metadata they contain.

    The departure of Web of Science and Scopus from the Russian market and the subsequent moratorium on publication indicators created the prerequisites for reassessing the influence of scientometrics on the development of domestic science. The chaotic creation of new databases, metrics and GOSTs distracts attention from the need to discuss fundamental questions, the answers to which must be given from the perspective of acquired experience:
    • which of the scientometric practices are truly useful for the development of science, and which are meaningless or, worse, simply harmful?
    • what measures need to be taken to create and long-term development of best practices?

    Answering these questions is impossible without in-depth analysis of data, discussion of its quality and availability. What do we have right now, and what can we have in a year?

    YouTube video

    Slides (PDF, 3,79 Мб)

  • Seminar: 10 February 2023

    Webinar “Scopus after scopus: what functions have been preserved and how to replace those that have fallen out?”

    • functionality of the free open web version,
    • search queries via open API: how to connect, how to count the number of publications and what metadata is available (we will explain from scratch, no programming experience required),
    • technical APIs that will help in collecting information on authors and sources,
    • alternative open databases, access to which cannot be disabled.

    YouTube video

    Slides (PDF, 356 Кб)

  • Seminar: 25 January 2023

    "Conference Paper: trends, anomalies, and Russian specifics": a webinar with guest speakers (A.E. Guskov, D.V. Kosyakov - RIEPL)


    Everyone is welcome to attend open and free webinars. Registration for webinar by clicking here. All the latest news — in our channel.